Approaching Threat UBM 2491
In the early 21st century, humanity faces a multitude of new challenges, the crushing weight of which is straining social coexistence to the breaking point. Ticking, with a worrying undertone.
Spring Rain UBM 2520
With the onset of dew and heavy rain showers in spring, the small trickle turns into a raging stream as it makes its way into the valley. Urgent piano arpeggios, warm strings and ticking accents create a touching overall sound for nature documentaries and contributions about social upheavals.
Perpetrators And Victims UBM 2452
This unassuming electronica track is ideal for crime audiobooks or podcasts. It creates excitement without covering up verbal contributions.
Low Ticking UBM 2207
Investigative mood, analytical and serious. Delayed electronics.
Bias UBM 2278
Neutral, electronic music, suitable for obscure business, financial markets, cryptocurrency and political calculations.
Cyber War UBM 2472
Somewhere on the premises of the container terminal, inside a nondescript steel sea freight container, lies hidden the source of a mysterious drop-in signal.
Hazardous Substances UBM 2408
Sinister machinations about economic advantages and money laundering can be ideally described with this track.
High Tension UBM 2199
Secret meeting in the smoky back room. Criminal, dark, evil.
Mixed Feelings UBM 2298
An undulating, deep eeriness. Including electronica and industrial elements.
Wisdom UBM 2351
Thoughtful, introverted, subtly dangerous. Dramatic events cast their shadows ...
Tension Rising UBM 2302
A driving, well-paced rising tension, with a build-up, that has a slightly positive feel to it.
Secret Mission UBM 2296
A busy and fast yet subtle underscore that creates tension and curiosity.
It's Fact UBM 2238
Serious, slightly dark track with subtly increasing intensity.