Yoga was listed as an intangible world cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2016. Whether on youtube, in the studio or on a retreat - yoga is one of the most popular sports and helps many people to find not only physical balance. Foto: Jared Rice on unsplash.com
Wetlands UBM 2440
During Shavasana the body comes to rest and the focus is on the breath alone. For yoga, spas or wellness content in general.
Under Your Feet UBM 2397
Tired, indolent and lazy, this guitar piece describes the feeling just before going to sleep. Suitable for sleeping pills and sleep apps.
Cloud Choir UBM 2265
Airy guitar with a full spherical sound. Relaxing, positive.
First Light UBM 2405
The dawn has set in, the dew is still on the leaves and meadows, the world is slowly awakening. Delicate composition for piano and strings.
Coffee Break UBM 2413
It's Sunday morning, the sun is shining: whether coffee in bed or an extensive brunch, this jazzy trumpet composition ensures a good mood and cosiness.
Rooftops UBM 2448
The crew embarks on a relaxed and luxurious sailing trip. Pure relaxation!
Free Mind UBM 2385
Carefree and harmonious, this piano composition is suitable for family issues such as education, healthy eating or as background music for DIY projects.