Climate Change UBM 2361
The climate is about to collapse. It´s five minutes to midnight. Haunting chimes, ticking clocks and dark, spherical soundscapes convey an end-time mood.
High Voltage Line UBM 2348
Determined and confident. Time is ticking away…
Hydro Power UBM 2184
Modern, technological, clear. Hydropower as an innovative beacon of hope for sustainable energy generation.
Brand New Feeling UBM 2360
This track builds tension and at the same time sounds optimistic and future-oriented. Slow pace.
Mad World UBM 2349
Catchy retro jingle with an important message. Danceable, energetic...and just a little bit crazy.
- Full
- Musicbed 12s 0:12
- Musicbed 23s 0:23
- Musicbed 34s 0:34
- Musicbed 45s 0:45
- Musicbed 67s 1:07
- Vox 34s 0:34
- Vox 23s 0:23
- Vox 12s 0:12
- Vox Special Edit 0:11
- Vox Extended 65s 1:07
- Jingle 0:07
- Instrumental 68s 1:08
- Instrumental 67s 1:07
- Instrumental 45s 0:45
- Instrumental 35s 0:35
- Instrumental 34s 0:34
- Instrumental 24s 0:23
- Instrumental 12s 0:12
Absent Smiles UBM 2263
Mystical, majestic, peaceful. The first rays of sun shine through the treetops. For nature documentaries.
It's Done UBM 2285
A slightly sad orchestrated piece with piano, violin and strings. For flashbacks, tasteful portraits or eyewitness reports from the Second World War.
Epic UBM 2295
Thoughtful, serious and strong track. Dynamic strings and oriental singing. Works well for action scenes, political documentation as well as docutainment.
Gift UBM 2351
Dramatic events take their course. Serious, momentous, foreboding.
Hazy Forest UBM 2271
Obscure track that creates an oppressive feeling. Ideal for dark and lonely places. Synthesizer.
Lost Humanity UBM 2306
Starts with dark piano, then synthesizer and drums slowly set in. Ideal for images of desperation, threat and aftermath of war.
Undercover UBM 2363
Pure percussive excitement with strong suspense filled overtones.
Unseen Forces UBM 2361
Unseen forces pull the strings in the background. Moderately pulsating rhythms, ticking clocks and dark piano sounds.